lauantai 17. toukokuuta 2014


It's weird how life can change in an instant. I mean I always thought I can't have kids because of my mental disease, that I would never be reliable, that there would be no certainty I could take care of anyone. But there's never certainty. You could die in an instant, get hit by a car or get shot or fall down. You could be in a plane crash, be part of a bank robbery, get raped. You could lose your mind, go totally psycho. You can never be sure.
But it shouldn't mean you shouldn't have kids, shouldn't start a family, shouldn't love. You can go crazy or die any second. You should take what you can. If you love someone you should be with them, tell them that, because you're gonna regret if you don't. I'm one to talk, sure, but you shouldn't through your life away because you're not perfect. No one is. Everyone has their problems, you just need to find the one who can take it, who will stick with you no matter what you do, what you're like. So what if you have psychosis, or cancer, depression, bionic legs, eating disorder. It doesn't mean you don't deserve the same things, the same happiness. You deserve to have everything you want, so you should do everything to get it. Life's a bitch, you never know when your time is due, so take everything you can get because you'll regret later, even if you don't get it all, if you don't try you'll regret it for all eternity.