perjantai 30. tammikuuta 2015

Talk to me like lovers do

So I went to the movies with my friend to see The Maze Runner. Honestly I didn't have high expectations, I just picked a movie that seemed the most interesting 'cause I had a movie ticket going old. I actually thought I might even be bored. But when the movie started it got me from the very beginning and I ended up loving it. It was amazing and I was waiting for the second one before the lights came back on. I was hooked. And then I heard there is a book. I had to get my hands on that book, no matter what it takes. I was afraid it was so old it wasn't in the stores anymore or that it hadn't come to Finland at all, which is really funny because the next time I visited Pocket Shop it was there with the new books. And there was also the second and third book! I bought the second, but wanted to wait after I read the second, just in case. So I read the first one and if I hadn't known they were linked I might not have realised it. The book was so different, it seemed like it was a different story with characters that had the same names. Throughout the book I kept thinking it'll turn out the same, the ending had to be the same. But it wasn't. I don't get why they changed it so much, and how they came up with the stuff for the movie? I'd seriously like to know. But the book was good. Really good. I enjoyed it a lot, and at the moment I'm reading the second one; The Scorch Trials~~ I am enjoying it, it's a good book and it feels so good reading something you don't know the ending to. It was a bit tireing with the first book with all the expectations and differences. Though the second book is kinda rough too. I'll have to take a break and read something in between XD And I think it's good to read a different book in between. When you finish a book that has a sequel you of course want to read the sequel, but I think it's good to wait for it a little, mix it up with another book. Yeah okay so I'm really tired and not sure if anything I wrote makes sense, but I've wanted to do this post for some time now and I finally can access to a good computer with a good internet so I really wanted to do this now. Anyway, gonna try post again soon, see ya!