sunnuntai 14. toukokuuta 2017

Will you still write for me

Alright, gonna talk about books now.

Jos olet suomalainen etkä ymmärrä englantia, laita kommenttia niin postaan käännöksen. (If you're Finnish and don't understand English, comment below and I'll translate this post.)

I love books. I love reading them, I love buying them. Holding them, Their smell. Collecting them so much I run out of shelf space. Buying every single version of a book, like I want it in Fiinnish and in English, I want it as paperback and hardcover, original cover and movie cover. I want them all. I don't have the money or the space to make this a reality, but in some cases I've gotten quite many versions. And I dream of having my own personal library some day. A whole room dedicated just for books. I also love writing, but am not really writing atm.

I love books and sharing my love for them. But I don't like writing your normal book reviews, and I suck at them. But I still want to write about them. So I'm just gonna do it my way, the way that feels natural to me, good to me.

And today I'll write about Kiera Cass's The Siren. I read The Selection Series, which I loved, and discovered the writer had also written The Siren. It was her first published book but I think she published it on her own at first. But they recommended it in one of The Selection books and I'm glad 'cause I'm not sure if I'd come across it otherwise.
I always have trouble with starting a new book, and it was the same thing with this one. I had read at least 100 pages before I got any real feel from it. It took a long time to get through the beginning, but when they got a new siren I was hooked and devoured the rest of the book. I love how the sirens are sisters and the Ocean is their mother, and the way they function like a real family, especially since Kahlen loses her mother right at the beginning before you get to see how they function as a family, but it is very clear Kiera Cass had a firm opinion about what the family was like. So it's sad she loses them before we see that, and doesn't remember them anymore.
I like the fact this book was very gentle, there were plenty of awful things happening, but they were discribed in a kind way so the reader isn't in a total shock, and you won't get stuck on the tragedies. Kahlen is a sweet, obedient girl and I really like that she fell in love with the nicest guy ever. I honestly prefer a nice guy to a bad boy, and she really did deserve Akinli.
I also like the little details that showed the progress of the story, like when Kahlen first felt pain on her leg, but dismissed it because it was so small and she was thinking about other things. I noticed it immediatly and was sure it meant something and was so glad when it did come up again! I don't usually notice these kind of things (laugh)

Overall I loved the whole book, and the ending was so sweet, I'm kinda sad there's no more, but also kinda happy it ended because that was one of the best endings I've ever read (smile)

If you've read this book I'd love to hear your thoughts about it, or if you have recommendations based on this book, just leave a comment!!

Now I'm gonna shower and go to sleep, I have an interview tomorrow for an internship at a cafe, wish me luck! Baibai!