torstai 13. elokuuta 2015

Hold for the applause

I've been sick for three days now and I'm going crazy. The first two days I felt awful but was able to stand up and hang with my boyfie. But today I feel so bad that I can't do anything else except lie in bed and watch Friends from my laptop, which is acting annoyingly and trying to take that one joy from me. My internet connection is crap and it's even crappier today. It's only 2o'clock but I'm going out of my mind. I can barely stay up to make some tea, I'm hungry and hot and craving sweets but don't have enough strenght to go to the store. I'm supposed to go to the movies on Saturday but I'm afraid I'll still be sick then (sadface) I know though that I will go to the movies no matter what if I'm conscious!

Gonna try watch some more Friends.

sunnuntai 2. elokuuta 2015

May it be

I can't believe it but I have a boyfriend! It's so weird. But wonderful. No relationship is easy but he is just so cute and good looking and sweet. I'm in love with him. And we have so much fun! Chasing each other, and he spoils me which is fun! (laugh) Now it feels like it happened so fast. Like just a few days ago I wasn't sure if he even liked me.

I'm sad 'cause we have to be apart for a week, but we keep in touch through phone and such and it'll be really great when I see him again! Just gonna hang on a little longer.

It's funny how fast your happiness can disappear and you feel like the world is ending, and then, as fast, it comes back and you can be happy again. There's a bitter taste at the edge of your mind, but you ignore it 'till it goes away and smile with all you got 'till it becomes true.

Thoughts of a tired girl too late at night but so in love. Nightynight darlings! Hope your dreams are sweet as sugar and filled with everything nice (heart)