maanantai 1. elokuuta 2016

I hate u I love u I hate that I love u

 I just read this book today and it was really good! It was nothing like I thought it would be at first, but it ended up being better than I thought! I was a little worried I wouldn't like it since it's really popular and I had more expectations than with other books. But in the end a splendid read! I really want the second one though, but I'm afraid to find out if it's already in Finland 'cause I have been spending all my money on books lately and I really need to cut back 'cause I no longer have a job and can't afford all the books I'd like....(cry)

 I had a stamp card so I got this book for free!! (smile)(love) I really wanted this since I read about it on someone's blog, but I didn't wanna buy it because I have so little money and so many books, so I'm so happy I had a full stamp card waiting! (smile) I went to look for a book before but never found a good one so I'm really glad! (smile)

Mulla oli kirjapassi täynnä, ja en ollu aiemmin löytäny kirjaa minkä haluaisin, joten oon tosi ilonen että luin tästä kirjasta jonkun toisen blogissa ja sit halusin tietty ostaa (naurua) Ihanaa et sain sit ilmaseks, varsinki kun rahat lopussa koska en oo töissä ja niin paljon muitakin kirjoja(itkua)

I'm so tired, I've spend the whole day in downtown, running from place to place, coming back to my apartment just so I can go out again with a friend (laugh) I told her to not let me in the book store so of course she drags me there (laugh) and when I had two books in  hand she dragged me out! (laugh) But all and all a good day, I'm glad it happened (smile) Now going to watch The Nanny and draw something!!

Hope you've had a great Monday and will have a great week!!

Katori (heart)

P.S. I've started using () instead of smileys because Blogger doesn't let me use smileys!! Hope you don't mind (smile)

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