maanantai 8. huhtikuuta 2013

Ally Condie - Crossed

Author: Ally Condie
Book title: Crossed
First book: Matched
Pages: 367
Published: (2011) 2012

SPOILER ALERT This is the second book of Matched series. I have read the first book, but it was too long ago to make a review of it.... So I'll do the review when I read it again someday.... Snifsnif....
Cassia Reyes has gone out to the Outer Provinces to find her true love, Ky Markham. She has left her match, Xander, to pursue true love and freedom.
In the Society everything is decided ready for you. What you eat, what you wear, what you listen to, read, see, who you love, when you die. You can't create anything new, everything is laid out for you and you need to make due with what the Society gives you. No one is encouraged to create new things because the Society knows better.

Still there are people who fight against the Society, a group called Rising. Cassia wants to find Ky so they can go live with the Rising and live happily ever after.

But Ky has different intrests concerning the Rising. Even if Cassia finds Ky, will they still end up together in the end?

This book left me feeling kinda empty, and not because it ended. There was something that kept me reading on, a little flick, and I got to the end, but the whole book seemed a bit dull. Maybe it's because I read it after one of the best books I've read in my whole life, or then the writer wasn't quite the writer she was when writing Matched. I loved the first book, it was amazing and left me wanting more, but with this, I didn't feel like reading the third book at all when I finished this. I didn't even bother to start reading the third book yet, that's how meaningless this book seemed. I drifted to other books I haven't read yet instead of finishing this series.

I feel bad, I really do, that this was my reaction, and I do get moments when I think I should have gone straight to the third book, but those don't last too long and I seem to be in a place where finishing one book is maybe even impossible. I read 160 pages of one book until I realised that I couldn't and didn't want to finish it, but that could be just because it wasn't that good. But now I'm having difficulty reading another, supposedly funnier and better book, though you wouldn't get that from the beginning. I mean, it's by Terry Prattchet, who's famous for his humour in his books, and the one's before were great, but this, just awful. It's a series for kids, and right at the beginning there is a girl whose father beat her so much that her baby died. Seriously? That's what you want kids to read? Though I've heard his sick and won't be writing much more, so maybe that influenced his writing skills, but still, that's a really sick way to start a children's book, if you ask me. I just hope it'll get better and have at least a little humour that the books before had, I really enjoyed the three first ones!

But yeah, babbling again.... I'm going to go read some more while eating a sandwhich and drinking some hot cocoa, hopefully findind it to be better than the start!

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