sunnuntai 14. heinäkuuta 2013

Garth Nix - Abhorsen

Author : Garth Nix
Book name : Abhorsen
Published : 2003
Paperback published : 2004
Pages : 518 
  My lovely book was torn by my stupid schoolbag.....!!!!

Lirael and Sam need to stop the Destroyer from awakening. With the help of the Disreputable Dog and the cat, Mogget, they set off to save the whole world from total destruction.

This book is a seguel to Lirael. It has many different views from which the story is told from, but always it's clear from who's point the story is continuing from, though it's not from me point of view.

I really liked this one, even though it was hard to read it since I was sick and having so many distractions, but the overall was really good, and I would definitely read this book again. The ending cuts so close, and the ending is kind of sad, but it leaves room for another whole story to be told. I think there is a fourth book which has tales from Nick's life and some others, though I don't think it's really a sequel. I'm not sure.

Spoiler alert!! The ending was really different from what I thought it would be. At first, when I thought Lirael would die, I was like this can't be possible, but then when the Disreputable Dog takes her place to die instead, my heart skipped a beat. And when she died, I almost burst into tears. It was just too sad that Lirael's best friend would die, and especially since she was one of the seven, if the Destroyer would ever be freed again there would be no way to bound it. That made me even more sad, but I don't think there'll be another story about the Destroyer since this is(to my knowledge) for young adults, or teens, so a total destruction of the world sounds too cruel to a series that was so full of hope and had a happy ending, all in all.

This was another amazing piece of work from Nix, full of magic and magical beings, death but life, desperation but hope, and especially the ending had a great impact on me, it was full of power and joy, exactly how a story should be written. The only thing that disappointed me in this book was that the Shadow Hands' dark material was called stuff. That didn't suit the story at all, it felt like you had been in the middle of a serious conversation and someone yells poo. Seriously, I don't think many will notice this at all, but to me it was a great bummer.

Otherwise than that it was a wonderful book and I loved it! You definitely need to read it if you have read Lirael and Sabriel. You just can't leave the story unfinished.

Next I'll TRY to read Sabriel, but I might get sidetracked since I have so many good books left to read.... But either way I'll try to post another review as soon as possible!!
Once again all critique and comments and feedback is appreciated, both English and Finnish~~
Thank you for reading!!


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