sunnuntai 14. heinäkuuta 2013

Garth Nix - Lirael

I just finished this and just had to write the review now!! Omg, it was so good @___@

But yes, Lirael is sequel to Sabriel(which I will read once I get it in my hands!!) and the sequel to Lirael is Abhorsen(which I'm anxious to get too!!). But Lirael is about The Daughter Of The Clayr, Clayr who see in the future, but she is different from other Clayr. When Clayr usually have blond hair, brown skin and light eyes, Lirael has pale skin, dark eyes and even darker hair. Also, she hasn't been gifted the Sight, which allows the Clayr to see in the future. All the Clayr her age already have the Sight, and she alone has to wear the blue tunic of the kids standing taller than anyone else in her group of youngsters. On her 14th birthday, when she still hasn't gotten the Sight, she decides to kill herself but ends up finding out things about the Kingdom that she shouldn't have heard. She also finds out that some of the most powerful Clayr haven't gotten the Sight before their 16th birthday, which giver her hope, and the other Clayr decide to give her a job at the Library to keep her mind busy. She takes her job seriously and finds out things she shouldn't have known or met. Together with a magical dog as a friend that she created she will continue to reveal the mysteries of the Library, and eventually she is sent outside of the Clayr Glacier to fulfil a vision of the other Clayr.(Yes, I said I suck at describing books, but I thought I should give it a try!)

I found this book compelling from the very first page! It's amazing how it could entwine me in it's story so completely so fast. (Okay, I have to admit, I have read this before in Finnish, but it was years ago, and the English version was definitely a different experience on another level) There were the issues of being young and different, humour, action, secrets, magic, all wrapped in an enthralling packet! The pages turned themselves, and the whole day until 2a.m. in the night yesterday I spend reading the last 300 or so pages of the book, without being able to really put it down. Spoiler alert???? Maybe....! Even when the Prince of the Kingdom appears and his story begings to unfurl I still loved every moment of it. I think the only really boring thing was the prologue about the necromancer and the hill, for then there was no information about anything, the magic or the necromancers or the hill.

Spoiler alert!! The book ends suddenly, too suddenly, before the big fight, which apparently only comes in the sequel. This is really annoying since I remembered that I hadn't finished this book the last time I was reading it, and of course thought that the big ending scene I was waiting for would be there, though when I got closer to the end I did feel unsure if the pages left could contain so much of the story. I was kinda disappointed since it ended in the middle of things, even if it gives you more reason to buy the sequel, but I would have bought and read the sequel anyway, so I find it needless to put it in another book.

But ultimately this was a really good read, one of the best fantasy books I have read in my whole life, and I can't wait till I get to read Abhorsen, Sabriel and this again! The fantasy world Nix creates is amazing, full of detail and magic, the dead and the very need to stay alive. I would recommend this book strongly to anyone who likes or loves fantasy genre. Pages in this edition of the book are 705, and as in the headline, the writer is Garth Nix, who I'm starting to appreciate and respect a lot! Got to check out his other books too *----*

Anyway, tell me how you liked this review, and what I could do to improve it and others!! The next book will probably be Kamikaze Girls, which is only a little over 200 pages, so I should be able to review it sooner!! I'll seriously try ö___ö

But thank you for reading, till next time~~!


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