sunnuntai 14. heinäkuuta 2013

Lucy Dillon - The secret of happy ever after

Author : Lucy Dillon
Book name : The secret of happy ever after
Pages : 493
Published : 2011 


Michelle is starting her life over, trying to make herself a new person and forgetting her past. She's still married, though.
Anna lives with her husband and his three children and a dalmatian. She dreams of her own baby, but will it be possible for her to have her own little baby when there are three other children in need of her constant attention and care.

What I liked about this book was that it had so many elements in it. There isn't just the friendship of the two women, Michelle and Anna, but also their love life, parenthood, having children, step-mother, dogs, bookshop, business keeping, divorce, all sorts of things. It felt like too much at some point, like Dillon couldn't possibly finish it so that there would be a happy ending, and I found myself stressing over at what will happen to the women and their loved one's.

I originally picked this book up because it tells about a woman starting her own book shop, but it was so much more than just that. I loved all the characters, no matter how they acted, because I could see a goodness in all of them, except for two who I found awful. But all the main characters were lovely, especially in the end when they could get past their problems.

I was quite disappointed with the ending though. It left me wanting for something more. It felt like it didn't really end, like there would be a sequel, but there isn't to my knowledge and that took away from the whole reading experience, but even with that it was a good read and I could imagine reading the book again sometime in the future.

I'll try to finish my next book(Abhorsen, sequel to Lirael) really soon, and after that I'm, probably reading Sabriel, maybe some The Hunger Games and The Language Of Flowers, + other books I have unread~~(which is a lot! XD)

Hope you liked this, please feel free to comment or give me critique or advice on how to improve~~

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